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How much?

In Short

$150.00 Per Month


Only flight instructors pay to use the FTC.  Students and Aircraft Providers do not.  For the monthly rate, flight instructors are permitted to call the FTC home and may leverage the whole facility.  Private offices and group training areas are all available and may be claimed by instructors on a first come first served basis, although scheduling of individual offices may be warranted in the future.  Instructors will be provided access control information as part of their initial orientation. 

What about access?

In Short

24 hrs a day


Airport and facility access are tightly controlled but are available 24 hours a day.  

Do I answer to another CFI?

In Short



This is a training facility that provides workspace for flight instructors.  As such, you answer to nobody but yourself.  Come and go as you please, charge what you wish, teach how you like.  We only ask that you take pride in yourself and the facility that is being provided.  Leave everything how you found it.

Do I get vetted?

In Short



But we won't be asking you for your social security number.  We will make simple inquiries on any administrative action that may have been taken on you.  Findings do NOT disqualify you, but depending on what we find we do refuse the right to permit you access to the facilities.  An airspace violation?  Highly doubt it will stop you from using the facility.  A drug infraction? Don't bother signing up.  We will also be asking students for feedback and looking for unsafe instruction, harassments accusations or other behaviors that do not reflect highly on the facility or professional aviation as a whole.  

Which aircraft can I use?

In Short

Any that you wish.


We don't care where you get your aircraft.  You can use some of the aircraft that are participating in this program, an outside club, privately owned or Uncle Herbert's.  It is none of our business.  If you need some options, see below for a list of operations that have fleets at Ramona.

Am I Insured?

In Short



We are not a flight school and are not involved in how you conduct your business.  Of course, it goes without saying that you SHOULD be carrying CFI insurance but...  We aren't going to come asking for it.  To that extent, we also make it very clear to all providers of aircraft that we are NOT held liable for your actions.  If you cause damage, they will go after you.  Please cover your interests and remain insured.  As of the writing of this FAQ, we have decided that we do not need to require you to name our facilities as an insured.... We will see if this works out but since only top tier professionals work here... we don't see needing to at this time.

How do I get students?

In Short

However you wish


We have a pretty extensive marking program that is designed to keep all players very busy and we hope to keep you very busy for many years to come.  We actively recruit flight instructors to justify our expenses, students to keep the flight instructors coming and aircraft to keep both the instructors and students going.  We do not guarantee that we will provide you with students but without students, there is no need for instructors.  If there is no need for instructors then there is no need for us.  

How are CFI's contacted or assigned to a potential student?

In Short

Selective Assignment


We truly believe that a successful education includes a perfect harmony of personality and skill set.  Should a student reach out to us we will try to understand the needs and personality of the student and then select up to three instructors that we "recommend" to the student.  We also recommend that the student takes a discovery flight with 2 or more instructors.  Ultimately, it is the student's choice and they can take our advice however they see fit.  If you are quiet and reserved then we are not going to recommend you to someone that is flamboyant.  If you are a part time instructor, we won't recommend a student looking to fast track.  We do our best but its a best guess at best so we attempt to put as much power in selection to the students themselves.  

I currently teach in a club.  Can I still use the FTC?

In Short



Unless the club has some sort of clause in their membership (which we have never heard of) you can most certainly.  Plus One Flyers is the nation's largest flying club and has a fleet of aircraft based at Ramona, so if a club environment is your scene, check them out. 

What other aircraft options are there at Ramona?

In Short

A few


Along with the aircraft that participate in this program there are three other options as of December 2020:

  • Plus One Flyers - A membership flying club that has a number of aircraft based at KRNM as well as other aiports.

  • CruiseAir Aviation - They have a 172, a 152 and a Bonanza F33 available.

  • Fly4Fun - Interested in Light Sport?  Check out Fly4Fun.  They have a couple of Aeroprakt aircraft.


Every outfit has their own rules on who and how you can use their aircraft and we do not control their processes.

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